Friday, June 27, 2008

dura lex, sed lex

[...] you won’t be allowed to use your classroom when you have no lesson.
All classrooms will be locked at the end of each lesson, so you will have the possibility to study only in the school library.
I’m sorry, but these are the rules.

...what to say? Maybe it's a way to tell us we need to study a little bit less?

Given that "our rights" are a monotonically decreasing function I have already prepared countermeasures for when the next ANNOUNCEMENT arrives; you can all just come and study at my place (obviously ONLY if you have your badge, and ONLY between 10:26 and 12:14!!!)

Who knows, maybe they'll even ask for our fingerprints next time!


AleC said...

It is simply ludicrous!

And this is not the only bad thing happens today.

This morning, while I was studying in the Library, I knew this new rule: “the Library will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.”… double ludicrous!!

Ok, it is clear that IMT has just finished money. I tolerated the low-quality paper for our printers, the unknown brand of oil and vinegar at the canteen service, the delay to increasing our scholarship,... but I can’t believe that we arrive at this point.

Now we have to do something!!

michele said...


you are definitely our support in these difficult times!!

yes, I agree, we have to do something.

it is really starting to look like a joke.

Farshad said...

without air conditioner, library is like a sauna........enjoy it.

Lusine said...

In addition all of these, today the library was closed. All students were waiting angry, crazy. Then they called to someone and finally at 11 it was opened. However, after 2 hours the power of electricity was decreased, that just now we sit in the ground floor like in the half dark. I don't speak about the temperature...