Lotfi Zadeh (Lotfali Askar Zadeh).
In 1973 he proposed his theory of Fuzzy Logic.
Maria Khorsand.
She is President of Ericsson Technology Licensing.
Pierre Omidyar.
He is founder/chairman of the eBay auction site.
Anousheh Ansari.
She is co-founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Telecom Technologies, Inc. (TTI).
Bijan Davari.
He is vice president of IBM.
Hossein Eslambolchi.
He was Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer, President of AT&T Labs and President of AT&T Global Network Services of the company.
Omid Kordestani.
He is Google's senior vice president.
Farzad Nazem.
He is Yahoo!'s chief technology officer.
Mahmoud Hessaby.
He was the only Iranian student of Albert Einstein. He received Nobel Prize for physics in 1993.
An italian proverb:
Nessuno è profeta a casa sua.
Nessuno è profeta a casa sua.
I would like to have your name in this list Farshad in some years. Why not?
Just now I'm reading the book of Zadeh about Fuzzy Systems :)
where r u farshad ?
i'm worry baby
call me please
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